AIRCOMBAT RC I WW 1/8 scale on EASG2007 Wrocław Poland 1.1 About R/C WWI Air Combat The game R/C WWI Air Combat is designed to recreate the air wars of WWI in a historical perspective, in a enjoyable, safe, scale competition. 1.2 General rules All FAI regulations covering the R/C-flier, his plane and equipment, shall apply to this event, except as noted herein. The contestant is solely responsible for airworthiness of A/C used in contest. The arranging group and the main judge, are responsible of frequency control during the event. Arranging group is responsible of preparation airfield to take of from body 1.3 Safety Safety matters have always highest priority. Any conduct by a contestant deemed by the main judge or contest arranging group to be hazardous will be cause for immediate disqualification of the contestant from the event.Any contestant that is not known to the arranging group, might be ordered to make a test flight, to prove that he is capable of flying a 1/8 scale warbird. 2. Contest site 2.1. Flight area The flight area is always in front of the safety line. The safety line is parallel to the pilots line, situated 5m in front of the pilots line. During all day of the contest, all A/C must fly in front of the safety line (as soon as the safety line is drawn up). Note that safety line penalties are given all day, if A/C crosses the safety line (including test-flights before, in-between and after fights). Any model that ends up in front of the landing zone may not be fetched during the fight, or while other models are airborne. THE SAFETY LINE CAN BE DIFFERENT FOR START AND LANDING Flight area Start and Landing Zone -----------------------------------------------20 m Safety line -------------------------------------------------------------- 0m. 5 m. Pilots line --------------------------------------------------------------- (___) (___) (___) (___) Readiness line ---------------------------------- min. 10 m. Audience min. 40 m ======================= 2.2. Start pits and readiness area The start pits are placed with three meters in-between. The readiness area is placed behind a line approximately 10 meters behind the start pits. At readiness, pilots and helpers must be behind this line. On flight part pilots and helpers must be in his start pits 2.3. Audience The audience should be kept at a safe distance (at least 40m) behind the safety line, or be protected by protective devices, such as nets, etc. The area protected by safety nets is defined as an area starting from the point where the net ends, and to a distance equal to the net height. This means that for a 3m vertical net, the safe area is measured from behind the net and 3 meters back. In addition, the first meter behind the net should be considered as unsafe. All other areas within 40 meters from the safety line should be fenced off, for people not wearing hard-hats. 3. Equipment 3.1. Model The model must be a scale or semi scale A/C of a warbird built and flown to 1918. The original A/C must be on Air force equipment. The scale is 1:8 and the wing span and fuselage length may not deviate more than +/-5% from scale All other measures may not deviate more than 2cm from scale. The wing thickness must be 10% or more, ( measured by fuselage). The profile has plain bottom or it has concave bottom. On wing must be rib outline visible if it is in orginal. On front leading edge are allowed streamer catchers The A/C must look similar to the original A/C, including painting and decorations. The competitor should bring a published 3-plane view of the original A/C-type, in at least 1:72 scale, to the competition to show that his A/C is accurate according to measures. The contestant does not have to be the builder of the model. If cocpit was open a pilot must be on board. 3.2. Engine Mufflers must be used. Mufflers made by other manufacturers may be used. The contestant must be able to shut-off the engine in the air,whatever the attitude of the A/C. 3.3. Engine size The model may use .30 4-stroke engine or .15 2-stroke engine. A model with one wing and with wingspan in clear scale is less than 1.4m may use only 0.15 2-stroke engine or 0.26 4-stroke engine. Electrical engines without limitation but in accordance to 3.4 - 3.4. Engine performance 2-storke 0.15 engines RPM max - 15 000 /min Other (4-storke and electrical )–RPM max – 13 000 /min 3.5 Propellers Any commercial available 3.6. Revolution measurement Revolution measurement is executed in certain cases, based on the main judges and/or organizers decision. Revolution measurement, if any, has to take place before the heat during readiness. The RPM is measured at full throttle, and with the needle setting used in contest. The measuring party should have full access to both the engine/model and the controlling transmitter. It is the contestant’s responsibility to ensure that the engine is within the limits using the RPM meter(s) used by the arranging group. 3.7. Model weigth The maximum weight before start is 1900g 3.8. Streamer The streamer is 17 +/- 0,5 meters long one piece. It shall be 10mm wide. Material shall be suitable for proper indication of cuts, e.g. withstand moisture. The streamer is marked on both ends for about 0,5 meters respectively. 3.9. Helmet A helmet must be used by any person that is in front of the audience line. The helmet should cover the upper part of the head and put up with a direct hit of an A/C. 4. The contest 4.1. Structure Fight consist of at least two and at most six pilots that fly against each other. When all pilots have flown exactly one fight, this is called a round. The next round, flight-lists are changed to make it possible for as many pilots as possible to meet each other in different fights. The number of rounds flown at a contest is decided by the arranging group, and must be told in the contest-invitation. The number of rounds is recommended to be 3. A contest also has a final which is flown after the rounds In the final, the six 6 pilots with the highest scores meet. The pilot who has most points after the final wins the contest. 4.2. FIGHT A fight is divided into four parts: The preparation, readiness ,take off part and flight part. 4.2.1.The preparation part (5-7 min) The length of the preparation part may be set by the arranging group, but is recommended to be 5-7 minutes It is marked by the main judge blowing three signals in his whistle and calling out ”Seven minutes to readiness”. During the preparation-part test flights may be performed. 30 seconds before the preparation-part ends the main judge blows two signals in his whistle and calls out ”30 seconds to readiness”. 4.2.2The readiness part (vary length) Readiness follows immediately after the preparation part, and is marked by the main judge calling out ”Readiness”. During readiness all pilots and helpers shall be behind the readiness line. Exceptions will be made in the case of revolution measurements (resp.3.4) All equipment must remain in the start pits, and engines may not be running. Readiness may vary in length, upon the main judges decision. 4.2.3 Take off part - 2 min The Take off part starts when the main judge blows one long signal in his whistle and calling out “Take off /Start”) Pilots and helpers may now run to their A/C, and take off. The pilot with first running engine can use landing field to take off. After his start he goes back to the start pit and the next pilot start. And so on. It is not allowed attack other A/C during this part. 4.2.4 Flight part. After two minuts at Take off signal Main judge blows two long signal in his whistle and calling out “COMBAT” At this time the game is on. Attack's on other A/C are now allowed and pilots get flight time points. After 7minuts Main judge blows one long signal in his whistle and calling out END .After END signal aircraft are landing in landing zone. 4.3. Helpers Every contestant may have a helper. Only one helper is allowed to stick with the pilots line during the fight. 4.4. Take off -points If the A/C starts from ground he gets 50 points 4.5. Flight time points One point per three seconds airborne, is given. Maximum flight-time is seven minutes. (420/3=140pkt) 4.6. Change of model The same AC must be used trought one fight. A new A/C may be used in next fight. 4.7Collision No kill points 4.8 Safety line crossing A crossing is made either the A/C is airborne or is moving on the ground. When airborne the A/C must be clearly over the line. On the ground, the engine counts. If a model has several engines, any engine crossing the line counts. The pilot receives a minus 200 point penalty. 4.9. Lost streamer It is the contestants responsibility to get airborne with a streamer of appropriate and full stretched length attached to his A/C. After landing, missing or entangled streamer counts as lost (no +50p given), except if the streamer was lost during landing, which must be proved by finding the missing streamer. To gain the intact streamer bonus, the model and streamer must have been airborne during the fight at least 10 seconds. 4.10. Streamer cut A contestant that cuts streamer off an enemy A/C in the air, gains +100p. If having an enemy streamer stuck to the model, the following rules apply: A cut made to a stuck streamer, counts as a cut on enemy streamer, and the contestant making the cut gains +100p. If having a stuck streamer cut by an opponent, the contestant does not lose his streamer-points. Only cuts made to the streamer actually attached to the contestant’s model count. If during one flyby cuts are made to several streamers (own and stuck) or several cuts are made to the same streamer, this only counts as one cut made to enemy streamer. If a cut comes along with a collision more or less at the same time (during one fly by), only the cut counts. 4.11. Non-engagement rule If a pilot stays away from combat for more than 30 seconds, he should be warned by the main judge. If the pilot still after this stays away from combat for an additional 30 seconds after the warning, the pilot should receive a non-engagement penalty of -50p. A pilot who after the first warning tells the main judge he has technical problems should immediately try to land his model, in a location and manner safe for the contestants and the audience. 4.12. Tie If the final points are equal for two pilots, the one with highest points in the final wins. If it is still equal, the pilot with the highest points from one single fight (except from the final) in the contest wins. 4.13. Frequencies Contestants must be able to change between at least two frequencies. When a frequency collision occurs in the final, the contestant with the lowest total score shall change frequency. This change must be given extra time, so that the preparation part of the final does not start until the change is done. It is the contestants responsibility to avoid frequency-collisions at changes from the given frequency. 5 Judges 5.1 Main judge The main judge is responsible for the overall timing of the contest. He is also responsible for keeping contestants behind the safety line when A/C are airborne. Cheating resp. the attempt to cheat shall be avenged with disqualifying the contestant. The main judges decision shall be based on a pilots voting. 5.2 Safety judge The safety judge is responsible for the overall safety of the contest. This judge has higher authority than the main judge, when it comes to safety. The safety judge should warn for safety hazards during a fight. He shall position himself in such a kind that he is able to spot safety line crossings clearly. He is also responsible of that there are no people not wearing hard hats outside of any safety net zone(s) or closer to the safety line than 60 meters. 5.3 Pilot judge The pilot judge is obliged to note points for the pilot on a scoreboard, and keep record of the pilots flight-time. Furthermore he or she is responsible to register safety line crossing together with the safety judge, non engagement and collision and to check the pilot’s streamer after the fight as well. The pilot judge shall check the A/C before and immediately after the heat regarding streamers or parts of it sticking to the A/C. This shall take place in accordance with the pilot, confirmed by a signature on the pilot´s card. If situation remains obscure after landing, the main judge has to draw a decision immediately. 6. Points Flight-time, per 3 seconds +1p Start from the ground + 50 p Own streamer uncut during fight +50 p Cutting streamer off enemy A/C +100p Landing in landing field after END signal + 25 p Crossing safety line (applies all day) -200 p Non-engagement -50p Attack/Cutting streamer off enemy A/C before „ COMBAT ” signal - 50 pkt Biplane/Triplane +25pkt Cable wires/machine gun +25pkt